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- <text id=91TT0021>
- <title>
- Jan. 07, 1991: Business Notes:Computers
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1990
- Jan. 07, 1991 Men Of The Year:The Two George Bushes
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- BUSINESS, Page 72
- Business Notes
- Safer by The Screen
- </hdr><body>
- <p> The evidence is controversial, but many workers who toil at
- video display terminals believe the devices cause health
- problems ranging from stiff necks to miscarriages. Last week
- their complaints were heard. San Francisco became the first
- major U.S. city to regulate working conditions at VDTs. Under
- the new law, firms with 15 or more workers will have to supply
- antiglare shields, wrist rests and adjustable chairs. Workers
- with VDT shifts of four hours or longer will be entitled to a
- 15-minute break every two hours. The law covers some 56,000
- workers.
- </p>
- <p> In its original form, the bill drew complaints from
- executives who said the law could cost companies as much as $85
- million. The bill was amended to give businesses more time--four years instead of two--to make the changes. "Business got a
- compromise it can live with, and labor got something it can
- point to as landmark legislation," says Dale Carlson, vice
- president of the Pacific Stock Exchange, a big user of VDTs.
- "It's a win-win situation." Not everyone agrees. Several
- corporations have hired a law firm to investigate the
- possibility of overturning the measure. New York's Suffolk
- County passed a similar law in 1988, but it was rejected by a
- state court; its decision is being appealed.
- </p>
- </body></article>
- </text>